scappy success stories

Mia Tsang published in Autostraddle, Crave, and began a substack called Overripe Peach

Julia Tomlinson garnered 100 rejections from literary magazines

Emily Smith sold her debut novel to Harper Collins

Catherine LaSota got her manuscript into an indie press contest deadline on time.

Emma Turetsky finally got her Adderall refilled so she can start writing again.

EG Shields published her original comics in The Rumpus

Paulina Pinsky finished her application for grad school

Paula Essinger fired her agent who hadn’t been answering her emails 

Courtney Priess sold her debut novel in a two book deal to Putnam

Greg Roensch visited the Coast of Death in Spain and dedicated his time to revising his memoir.

Dean Jones has applied to multiple writing residencies and founded Queer Embodiment Portal

But don't listen to us, listen to them.

Writing With Intuition Retreat, March 2023.

Has attended two retreats, May 2018 and October 2019